i must confess, i am not inherently, nor have i ever been a floral kind of gal. i was not aware of this until years ago a really good friend of mine made a dress for my birthday.  i was so touched by her thoughtfulness and her talent; however, my first thought was…i never wear cloths with a floral pattern, how am i going to wear this?!  it just went against everything that i stood for (o-ka, a little over the top but blame it on my youth)

well, months pass and she finally asked me if i ever wore the dress.  i had to confess that i had not.  when i told her that i never wear floral patterns, she said that’s e-x-a-c-t-l-t-y why she made it for me.  we had to laugh.

now i find myself with several floral designs in my wardrobe.  most of them have a funky little twist to them but nevertheless they are floral.  i also find myself presenting versions of floral patterns to my interior design clients that ordinarily say don’t show me anything with flowers in it.  and more other than not, they surprise  themselves when they fall in love with the piece.

moral to this story – don’t knock it til you try it. embrace the girly side of you. take liberty to tweak the style to a modern fun version or go all out country style with flowers in full bloom color if you dare.

here are some new improved floral designs in area rugs from Company C. the designs are fabulous!  what a bold statement to be made in any room.

Oversized chrysanthemums

Oversized chrysanthemums

most of their rugs are 100% wool, tufted and natural.  if you want to play up the fun factor use these vibrant graphic designs.

A floral rug inspired by an early 20th century Mexican embroidery

A floral rug inspired by an early 20th century Mexican embroidery

i noticed the same fun off beat floral pattern targets  zinnia square dinner ware . i  love love love this design.  i so want to use the dinner plates as a decorative wall motif for a client. i’m just waiting for the right application.

Product Image
it kind of has that vintage anthropology vibe going on, don’t you think?
anthropology cook ware

anthropology cook ware

the colors are so vibrant, festive and energetic.  they remind me of  mexico.  by the way, my next post will feature Rosalia, a dear friend and local artist in the charlotte area.  i can’t wait to show you images of her home, which is a celebration of all the colors found in her home country, mexico.